Weather in South East Cornwall (Looe)
Weather forecast for the next three days, for South East
Cornwall, based on Looe.
For more detailed forecasts for any area (enter your chosen
location), including weather charts, weather and rainfall radar, and
jetstream forecasts, click anywhere on the weather widget.
Weather in North Cornwall (Padstow)
Weather forecast for the next three days, for North
Cornwall, based on Padstow.
For more detailed forecasts for any area (enter your chosen
location), including weather charts, weather and rainfall radar, and
jetstream forecasts, click anywhere on the weather widget.
Weather in West Cornwall (Penzance)
Weather forecast for the next three days, for West
Cornwall, based on Penzance.
For more detailed forecasts for any area (enter your chosen
location), including weather charts, weather and rainfall radar, and
jetstream forecasts, click anywhere on the weather widget.
Weather Conditions at Polruan NCI (National Coastwatch
over 240 feet up on St. Saviour’s Hill,
Polruan NCI
Station overlooks a sea area from Lizard Point in the West to
the Eddystone Light in the East, as well as having a commanding view
over Fowey harbour."
Meteorological data updates approximately every 2 minutes. It is
used regularly by local sailors, fishermen, walkers and the area’s
National Trust Wardens. Weather reports from Polruan and certain
other NCI stations are collated and used daily for weather
broadcasts by BBC Radio Cornwall. An excellent site for keeping a
check on local weather conditions.
View the Current Weather Conditions at Polruan NCI
For more comprehensive weather details from Polruan NCI, you can also access the full version of their weather data, which is available through WeatherLink, on the Polruan NCI WeatherLink page. Registration and login is free, or you can download the free WeatherLink App to your Mobile.
With more and more people accessing the coast these days, it is becoming more and more important and relevant that when on holiday or visiting, you are not only aware of what the weather is going to be doing, but that you know what the sea is going to be doing as well. Even just walking along a beach, particularly near cliffs, the tides will affect you, and too many people access the coast without necessarily taking note of what the sea is doing. Tide times are often available by a beach, but please do check the times beforehand, and know before you walk, or kayak, paddleboard, or go out in a boat.
Tides Times given for Fowey
For more detailed tidal data including tidal graphs, moon and sun, click on "Fowey Tide Times".
For tide times in other locations, click on the
"tidetimes" logo and select "Search for A Location".
Printed Tide Table Booklets
For an alternative website that is also very useful for full
tidal data, including times, heights, tidal curves for springs and
neaps, moon and sun times etc, is
Tidal Times.Org. You can also purchase reasonably priced copies
Printed Tide Tables here for your chosen port.
For another very useful website that provides both daily tidal data and weather conditions, plus 7-day tidal curves, weather forecasts, best fishing times and water temperatures around the coasts, you can also check Either select a port or location from the country index page, use the port search box, or go directly to one of the following Cornwall page links, which themselves also link to selected nearby locations:
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